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  • Since I took the FT Y-700 DNA test I've found that I'm related to 42 of the 45 Presidents and 27 Vice Presidents. Also researching Confederate States Generals. So far I'm related to about 90% of them.

  • FT Kit # 932699  Y 700 DNA results connect me to Perry.

  • Hello, Fredrick Parker -

    Based on your data from, your haplo is I1.  Based on YDNA results reported by other testing services and other analysists, there are at least two possible family lines to which you might relate.   You need to contact the Parker Surname YDNA Project to learn exactly  which Family Group is yours.

    See my Parker Heritage post to you (see November 23, 2012 below) for the several steps I always recommend to family history researchers. 

    Contact and learn from Dennis West what he can do to help you find a match. 

    Join the Parker Project which is free. 

    With the help of Dennis West, you may gain a P number and a Family Group match.  You will also have the knowledge you need to choose an interest group here on Parker Heritage.

    Patricis Ross Parker, Parker Surname Project Family Group #7 researcher and PH co-moderator




  • At 9:55pm on November 23, 2012, Patricia Ross Parkersaid…

    Hello, Frederick A. Parker:

    Okay, I think I see where you are. I suggest that you join Parker Surname YDNA Project first . Contact Parker Project Administrator Dr. Dennis West at, and ask how you go about transferring your data to his Parker Project. When that is done, you can learn what the Project considers your possible match to one of the many YDNA Family Groups therein. I believe you will get a great deal more out of that association than any other.

    Please know these details also:

    1) A YDNA Surname Family Group in this Parker Surname YDNA Project is a unique assembly composed of those Parker males who have done YDNA testing, like you, and certain affiliated members of their families. The Parker Project uses Family Tree DNA as a testing service and collaborates with that company on subsequent test results.

    2) Currently, there are some forty separate Parker Project Family Groups, and they represent thousands of people who are all Parkers with different bloodlines. An example is Family Group #7 which I research. My husband is P11, and I am a Parker by marriage.

    3) The Parker Project is free, but one does not simply join a Parker Project Family Group of genetic relatives-- one is only matched into it through the approval of the Project, commitment through a purchased YDNA test, and results of YDNA lab work.

    4) On the other hand, volunteer family interest groups are those found here on Parker Heritage.. They are free, fun to join, and their entry requirements are mainly involvement and using your real given name. Joining one of these PH groups does not designate an actual bloodline, just a genealogical interest in same.

    Why don't you contact Dennis West and then get back to me with your FG number? Then you can sign up with any of the PH interest groups that interest you.

    Patricia Ross Parker, researching Benjamin Parker for P11 of Family Group #7 of the Parker Surname YDNA Project.


  • Hello, Fredrick Albert Parker:  Unsure if your question is directed at me, but I can give you an answer.  If you think you are a lineal male descendant of your Parker people and want to get results that are specific to you and not just an assumption based on the results and research of others,

    1) Google one of the YDNA testing services.  I recommend Family Tree DNA but there are others.  Join the Parker Surname YDNA Project.  With a Parker surname, you are probably eligible to test. 

    2) Purchase a test with as many markers (37 or more if possible) as you can afford, take the test, and wait the six weeks or so for your results. 

    3)  You will be advised about your results by the service, and you will be advised about your match Family Group by the Project. 

    The fun begins then, because you will also get information about the other people in your Family Group, actually relatives you never knew you had.  Other relatives who have tested and are matched will be very glad to meet you., usually by email or various online message boards. 

    If you would like additional information and links, please reach me at My Page this site or  Glad to help.


    Patricia Ross Parker, researching P11 for FG#7

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