Chester Edward Parker (1905-1993)

It's sometimes easier to find out info about the deceased than it is the living.

I'm looking for living family members. Particularly ones from Chester Edward Parker and Elsie Jane Grable. As far as I know, they had three children (Thomas, Charles, and Jacqueline). Any info on these people or their children would be greatly appreciated. 

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  • Hello, Eli Parker: 

    I am a researcher for P11 of Family Group #7, Parker Surname YDNA Project.  I am pleased to see your interest in Parker ancestors who have been matched into FG#7.  If you would share your YDNA data and your P number, it would expand our research.

    Several questions arise with your interest in Parker ancestry: 

    1)  Do you have 

    2) Since you give Mills Parker and wife Sidney Jenkins as parents of Dempsey Parker, could you tell me where that parental info came from  so I may also look it up? 

    3) To be certain I am looking at the right person for my records, are you Eli Zachaeus Robert Parker?  

    Are you also interested in Chester's step-siblings, Robert Ridings, Mary Ridings, and Ervin Ridings?  Or are you only interested in Chester's children?

    I look forward to hearing from you either on My Page here at Parker Heritage or by email at  Patricia Ross Parker, researcher for FG#7


  • My father had an uncle named Chester Parker, but the dates are wrong and the wife is different. Do you have any place of birth or death information?

    • Yes. Chester Edward Parker was born in 1905 in Missouri and died in 1993 in Pasadena, TX.

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