William Jefferson (JEFF) Parker got mad at his wife and tore her family photo up. If you are related to the 2 sisters that married the 2 Parker brothers... James Andre (ANDY) Parker & William Jefferson (JEFF) Parker. The 2 sisters were Clara Mae Gardiner & Annie Laurie Gardiner. This photo taken 1902.Adults : my great grandpa Jesse Malcolm Gardiner, my great grandma Dora Eveline Neighbors Gardiner West Pitts, her brother Archibald Neighbors, her mother Elizabeth Baxter Neighbors~~Little Girls : Clara Mae Gardiner Parker, Annie Laurie Gardiner Parker, Jesse Eveline Gardiner Taylor... Annie Laurie Gardiner Parker is my grandmother.
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  • Thanks Jimmie.  I can't locate an S. Raymond Parker.  Do you know what group he is in?  And yes, I was speaking of Cynthia Anne Parker.  Thanks again.

  • If you are speaking of Cynthia Ann Parker, wife of Peta Nocana and mother of Qunnah Parker, you should check under the Qunnah Parker  History Group. I would also recomend having some of the male Parker surname members of your family using one of the DNA testing programs. With regard to Tennessee Parkers, you might want to try S. Raymond Parker. He is probably the most knowledgeable about Parkers from Tennessee He is regularly on Parker Heritage sites. Be glad to help if you have a tie in with anyone in our tree

  • Thnaks Jimmie.  That helps a lot.  Are you familiar with any Parker brothers who lived in the Lebanon, TN area back in the 1880's?  My grandmother Sallie was born in 1884 and her birth certificate says she was born in Lebanon, TN and I know that's where the County Farm was located.  After doing some lengthy research yesterday...If it is true that Cynthia Ann is a cousin to my grandmother, I'm thinking my gm's Parker relative had to be a descendant of Silas Parker and Lucina Duty.  I have found that they Silus had 4 brothers, Isaac (1793 - 1883), Daniel (1781-1844), Benjamin (?), James (1797-1864) and Joseph (?), if that is correct.  I gathered this information from reading various historical documents.  I can't find any information, on line, as to the brothers descendants.  Any ideas?  I would love to find a 'chart' somewhere that gives this information in one place - lol.  At least I could narrow it down from there.  Also, my aunt wrote that my grandmother Sallie had a sister whose name my aunt thought she remembered as 'Rosie'.  The Parker sons (my GM's brothers) were taken to Texas to join their Parker relatives.  I wonder if there's anything that shows adoption records for those children.  I can't find anything in that regard on my GM which makes me wonder if she was legally adopted by her mother and father.  Word has it that my GM's adoptive parents kept her brief, 4 yr old, history secret since they didn't want to lose her as they had some of their other adopted children, to relatives who the grown children returned to once grown.  I'm not even sure that Sallie (or Sarah) is my GM's given name since her adoptive parents have relatives by the name of Sallie.  We do know that my GM is a distant cousin of her adoptive parents but since they had no children there are no descendants to follow up with about my GM's biological family.  Thanks again Jimmie.  Have a great day!

  • Hi Susie, Glad to have you with us. I might mention that to the best of our knowledge, there has been no brothers marrying sisters back to William and Mary Ann Enson both born in the Maryland in the 1780's.  

  • Rumor has it that my grandmother, Sallie Payne Davis Brents (whose biological name is possibly Sallie Parker) is a descendant of the two Parker brothers who married sisters, however the last name of the sisters we have is 'Paty', which could be incorrect.  If you know anything about children belonging to a John Parker in Lebanon, TN around 1991, who were adopted out, please let me know.  My aunts (now all deceased) think my grandmother Sallie was a cousin to Cynthia Anne Parker.  Thank you!

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