Reunion for Green Layfette Parker Oct 2 3 4

The reunion will be held on the old Parker place south of Brownsboro, Texas on CR 3606 which runs to the east about 3 miles south of Brownsboro off of FM 607.Friday night will be a garage sale to raise money 8 am to 3 pm then a hot dog cook out at 6 pm.Saturday the garage sale continues same hours and also a brown bag genealogy get together for looking at photos scrapbooks and other family history materials. at 6 there is a catfish fry.Sunday is the standard covered dish with photo albums in the morning.IF you are a descendant or are married into this family try to make it. This year we have lost 3 old timers and the reunion is in their memory. Past reunion photos are wanted for a reunion book so if you have any please bring them.Bill

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  • Hello.  My name is Cheryl Morgan and I am trying to research my family tree.  Both parents are deceased and I have no one to connect with except what I can find online.  I researched my father's heritage back so far and have hit a brick wall so any help would be appreciated.  What I have is as follows:  

    Father - Charles Arthur Morgan

    Grandfather - Vivian Coleman Morgan

    Paternal GrGrandmother - Laverta "Letty" Parker Morgan

    Laverta's Father - Green Lafayette Parker

    Green's Father - David Augustus Parker

    Me and my siblings have always heard the rumor that we were somehow kid to Cynthia Ann Parker although I cannot find the connection.  I do know that my father was born in Colgate, OK and heresay my Grandfather was born on a reservation in OK, although I haven't confirmed that either.  I do remember as a child going from Texas to the Red River to family reunions with the "Indian" side of the family.  I was very young and only remember bits and pieces.  I have no idea how to go about researching further except through and since I could only do the freebie I didn't make it far.  I came across this reunion post from last year and thought I would take up my search here.  Thank you for any assistance you can offer.  Cheryl Morgan

    • My mom wrote the Parker Book and I have digitized it if you email me at bill-lewis (at) sbcglobal (dot) net I can send you her information on your branch which I would appreciate any corrections or additions to I also have a number of photos but am always looking for additional family pictures and correspondence or records.

      She never found any connection David A came from SC Via Georgia and Cynthia's family was from Illinois I believe.

      Bill Lewis

      • Thanks so much for the response and I will email you to get a digitized copy of the Parker book.  I have been unable to go back any further than David A on Ancestry so I hope your Mom's book helps me with that.  I also hope photo's are included...I love looking at them.  Thanks again!  Cheryl

  • oops don't post before you are 100% awake it is spelled Green Lafayette Parker.

    My report on his descendants is over 80 pages without documents letters or photos. I also have 5 notebooks of source documents. And I have not even looked at all my moms folders of information that we found last weekend while cleaning out some closets that were piled to the doors and to the rafters.

    Saturday afternoon is the Brown Bag genealogy get together bring a lunch or a snack and a chair and sit under the trees and look at old photos and other family related items. I am focusing on photos and recording family stories.

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