Orlena O'Quinn Parker

I'm looking for any relatives of Orlena O'Quinn Parker who may have any knowledge of information she or her husband might have shared about  her sister, Cynthia Ann Parker, who lived with them for several years prior to her passing.  I'm researching Cynthia Ann's life while she was with the Comanche and her life after she was kidnapped for the second time by Sul Ross at Pease River.  Is there any oral or written history?  Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. 

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  • There is some information on her life. I believe she died fairly young and was unhappy living with the white people. She was living with the Native Americans after her capture and was happy and then the whites found her and brought her back to live with the whites.
  • I searched Cynthia Ann Parker, 92 items in this data. Mike.
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