
  • I'm late to the party, but here goes... John Wesley Parker married to an alice smith, I believe, is on the dawes roll. He came to Oklahoma with the fraziers after he was orphaned on the trail of tears. He spoke 17 Indian languages and worked as an interpreter. I think if we could find that line we could clear a lot of this up. Also, Polly Parker a Seminole Indian that escaped in florida. Ely Parker in ny. There's many more to mention. There is no doubt there is native American in the Parker lineage. From my research, people went into hiding after the treaty of new echota because they went after everyone that signed it. If you escaped the trail of tears, some people considered that to be treason to the tribe. Also, I read in a book somewhere that the parkers were so mixed they could have blended in with any tribe or race so people gave up hunting them down. There are parkers on the Henderson roll (trail of tears roll), but if you find it stick with the names on the list. The actual document is heartbreaking.
  • This may depend on the native nation your line of Parkers came from. So far I know of Quanah Parker who was Cynthia's Ann Parker's son. Quanah Parker was born around 1845 and was probably already know this.
    From what I understand some of the Parkers from NC were Cherokee and from tribes in the general area of the Cherokee nation. I'm looking for the father and mother of John Franklin Parker who was born in Georgia in 1849 (supposedly) and who was of Native American descent. I don't know if he was Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, or some other tribe. One things for certain to be born in GA after 1838 is significant since the Trail of Tears, the complete unjust/ungodly Indian Removal Act, made being Native American of who tribe illegal to be in the United States unless you're in Oklahoma....Indian Country as it was called (well, still is but I think you know what I mean.)
  • Yolanda do the test where they determine how much Native American, Great Britain, Ireland, and other countries you are connected. I did the test and my results show 22% Great Britain, and 1% Iberian Peninsula, and 1% South Asia. Others were Ireland, Scandinavia, Western and Eastern Europe.
  • Have you looked at the Abanaki tribe in northern NY? There's also the Parkers from the Cattaraugus Reservation in Erie County, NY. Arthur Caswell Parker was born on the Cattaraugus Reservation and married Beaulah "Black Cloud" Tahamont and their daughter Bertha "Birdie" Alden Parker moved to Los Angeles and married "Iron Eyes" Cody (Espera Oscar de Corti) a full-blooded Italian who portrayed the crying Indian in the anti-pollution commercials from the 1970s.
    • I believe Ely Parker came from the Parker family in the NY area. I forgot about him as I just now posted.
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